Addiction is a brain disease that requires a treatment plan, just like other diseases. There are physical, psychological, and behavioral effects to address – and each person has unique needs.
It usually take a person hitting rock bottom before they decide to change and get help.
Below is simple instructions that will show you the different levels of treatment. You have options. Some may work and other may not. Your treatment plan needs to fit you.
Outpatient services provide a supportive recovery environment.
Increased therapy sessions. Possible hospitalization for withdrawal or other issues.
24-hour care, structured setting. May include medical, nursing or clinical care or monitoring.
24-hour nursing care, daily physician care. Highly structured environment. Therapeutic counseling services available.
Dr. Liang recommends NAD+ and ketamine infusion therapy in order to address:
Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS)PAWS can affect you weeks, months, and even years after you stop using the drug. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances, and impaired cognition. By rapidly creating new neural connections, ketamine and NAD+ combination therapy dramatically eliminates or reduces these symptoms.
CravingsThe new pathways established by your drug use continue to demand more of the drug, which leads to cravings. Ketamine and NAD+ combination therapy disrupts these pathways and creates new ones.
Ketamine works quickly on these problems, sometimes after just one treatment, as new connections are formed in your brain that bypasses the addiction. Ketamine and NAD+ therapy is especially useful in helping you maintain your sobriety, leading a life that’s free from the bonds of drug addiction.
DetoxificationSimilar to alcohol addiction, ketamine and NAD+ combination therapy are extremely effective in the detoxification process from stimulants, opiates, benzodiazepines, and kratom. NAD+ is especially effective at reducing the oxidative stress at the cellular level that occurs during detoxification.
To learn more about how ketamine can help you overcome your drug addiction, contact Klarity Life.
a. The cortex is the outer layer of gray matter, responsible for decision-making, thinking, learning and willpower. You can treat the effects of addiction on the cortex with counseling.
b. The limbic region is the internal portion of the brain, responsible for rewards, pleasure and basic drives and urges. You can treat the effects of addiction on the limbic region with medication.
Drug addiction is a chronic disease that compels people to use drugs in a way that’s harmful to their health. The reason this happens is that a drug addiction rewires your brain, creating new pathways that are designed solely for drug use.
These pathways are created after your brain experiences the pleasurable effects of a drug and it adjusts itself to receive more. This, in turn, prompts you to use more of the drug in an effort to satisfy the bottomless pit that is addiction.
Drug addiction is a very serious disease that has physical, social, and mental health consequences.
Drug addiction carries with it two components: dependency and addiction. The dependency aspect is when your body physically needs the drug and goes into withdrawal when it’s not available.
The addiction component leads to obsessive cravings and uncontrolled use. It is also associated with behaviors that can be destructive and life threatening. Combined, these two components often lead to: • Physical withdrawal, such as the shakes or flu-like symptoms, or worse.• The inability to control use.• Poor performance at work or school.• Isolation.• Choosing your drug of choice over other activities.• Financial issues.• Difficulty in relationships with friends and family.• Depression and Suicide.
There’s very little in your life that drug addiction doesn’t affect, which is why treatments designed for long-term abstinence work best. How do NAD+ and ketamine therapy help drug addiction?