Ketamine was first introduced in the 1960s as an anesthetic and analgesic. It wasn’t until very recently that the drug found its way into the mental health field as doctors began to realize that it not only relieved pain but helped with mental disorders such as depression and addiction.
At Klarity Life, Dr. Henry Liang, an anesthesiologist by training, recognized the efficacy of the drug in controlled doses to tackle treatment-resistant mental health disorders. If you would like to discuss how ketamine therapy can help your particular situation, contact us.
Ketamine has been in use since the Vietnam War era as an anesthetic and painkiller, but it wasn’t until the last 10 years that the drug truly found a role in mental health.
Early on, doctors recognized that patients who were given ketamine were less likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But because of its success in the operating room, as well as the onslaught of antidepressant medications, this avenue wasn’t pursued to any great extent.
In the early 2000s, medical researchers turned back to ketamine to study its effect on mental health and found that the drug had a significant and almost immediate impact, on treatment-resistant mental disorders.
Since this time, ketamine has increasingly gained acceptance as a viable and effective treatment for a host of mental health disorders. As a result, Dr. Henry Liang has heeded the call, providing medically guided, off-label use of the drug to relieve moderate to severe mental health issues.
While its use in the mental health field is relatively new, Dr. Liang has had great success using ketamine to treat:
Studies have shown that ketamine works by rapidly increasing levels of the largest neurotransmitter in the brain; Glutamate. Glutamate is the most important neurotransmitter for normal brain function. Additionally, ketamine is thought to grow new (or repair damaged) neural connections, allowing the brain a chance to heal.
If you meet the guidelines for ketamine infusion therapy at The Clinic at Klarity Life, you will receive an infusion each day for a total of eight to ten sessions. Dr. Henry Liang has extensive experience with ketamine and understands the use of individualized dosing protocols, giving you a subanesthetic dose that may induce a light dissociative state.
During this state, your brain creates new pathways that offer you relief from the symptoms of your addiction.
Many of Dr. Liang’s… patients experience relief from their symptoms within the first few treatments. In fact, the clinic’s rate of success is an impressive 85%.
The results typically last for one to two months or more, at which time you return for a single “booster” infusion to keep your symptoms at bay.
If you’d like to explore whether ketamine is right for your situation, contact us.
Ketamine and NAD+ therapy has been successfully used in the management and maintenance of life free of drugs and alcohol. This combination is effective for both detoxification and afterwards to control or eliminate the urge to use again. Coupled with therapy and recovery support, ketamine and NAD+ infusion therapy can help you transition to and maintain a healthy sober lifestyle.